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That's a really cool idea.

I love the part with the semicircle. 

Hope you keep developing this. I would love to see more of these puzzles.

The only constructive criticism I have is that the semicircles are a bit unstable when moving. (It's not a big deal, but I think it's important to point out the imperfections.)


Hello Mytrass! thank you for your feedback! 

I was fully aware of the semicircles (what I call orange slices) having jank movement. it is possible for those blocks to clip through walls in specific scenarios, but out of all the levels, it would never be possible to gain an advantage by doing that. I will try to fix it, but I am not a very smart person, so I think that it won't be able to be fixed (  ' ﹋   '  ; )

Once again, thank you for your support. You are my first comment!

Sure, it is always important to leave a review.

I don't know if this goes to far but if you need help I am happy to help you. 

What game engine and language do you use? 

Of course only if you want!

No, no, this is not going far, I would need help to fix that. I use Godot Engine and use the default language gdscript. 

In relation to the semicircles problem, I use a rigidbody and the default physics system and have code to push the rigidbody closer to the mouse. all the movable blocks have the same movement code, but the semicircles are free to rotate. if i had all blocks free to rotate it might have the same issue.

Hello again Mytrass! I think I have fixed the jankiness of the semicircles to the point where it's only really noticeable if you jerk the block really fast. Let me know what you think about the new movement or any other improvements I can make!

That's much better, but now there is a new problem.

In lvl. 7 it is a little bit difficult to rotate them into the gap when it's not a corner.

I don't know if you understand what I mean.

I think I understand what you mean. It should be fixed. I also added two new levels, you just click level 8 and beat it, you get the same victory screen, click again and you should get access to a new level. Hopefully you enjoy this small update! I don't know how often I should update so hopefully it is good cadence...